Concrete floor repair

Concrete floor repair

The repair of concrete floors can vary depending on the condition of the floor and the desired final result. Typically, repairs are carried out even for noticeable damages, significant deformations, unevenness, or other issues that affect the safety or functionality of the floor.

All-P Uzbekistan performs the following types of concrete floor repair works:

1. Repair of Small Cracks and Chips:
For small cracks and chips, we use repair mixes based on cement or polymers.

2. Repair of Chips and Potholes:
During the repair, we remove all debris and remnants from the pothole or chip, fill the voids with a repair mix based on cement or polymers, and after solidification, we perform surface grinding.

3. Concrete Dusting:
We carry out grinding and polishing of the concrete, allowing us to remove the top layer, which may be porous and dusty. This process also improves the surface quality and increases the strength of the concrete.

4. Concrete Polishing:
If the concrete floor has minor surface defects or has lost its shine, we can offer a polishing procedure. Polishing the concrete floor enhances its appearance and provides a smooth finish.

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Working hours:
09:00 - 20:00 MON-FRI
10:00 - 18:00 SAT
Buyuk Ipak Yo'li 188, Tashkent, Tashkent region, Uzbekistan
Tel: +998 (99) 635-44-44